NY Senator Hoylman has stated Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is “A public health menace who should be banned from Twitter”. The Nuremberg Code, drafted in 1947, requires Informed Consent, without “the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion…” The Universal Declaration on BioEthics and Human Rights, negotiated, Article 6, Consent, states: “ Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information.” Surely engaging Mr. Kennedy in a public forum on the necessity and substance of informed consent will benefit all people in the United States given that what you are calling for will not only affect free and unfettered information access for residents of the State of New York.
Junious Ricardo Stanton: Your Papers Please

Global governments, technocrats and the media are colluding to use biometric and face recognition technology to track us, trace our every movement and determine where we go and what venues we can lawfully enter. Why? When has this ever been done as a treatment therapy for a pandemic? What has injection passports and tracking got to do with preventive measures for a virus that has a 98% survival rate?! This is serious food for thought.
Censorship Endgame: Medical Tyranny Unfolding

Censorship is hastening a global conclusion of Electric Civilization (E.C.) as currently configured. Alphabet Inc that owns Google that owns Youtube is a player in the corporate empire state hegemony implementing what now falls under the rubric of the Great Reset [†][‡], the Fourth Industrial Revolution, as well as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The lethal effect of censorship, running rampant as never before in our E.C. epoch—crushing and eliminating open debate, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and the free exchange of ideas and perspectives—is far more destructive to human life than SARS-CoV-2 will ever be.
Cease & Desist Order to Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten,
Creator of SARS-CoV-2 PCR test

With every day that you maintain your deliberately false risk assessment of COVID-19, you are only making matters worse – for countless people in this country, but also for yourself. We will make this letter available to all colleagues who are willing to represent clients who have suffered harm as a result of the Corona measures. If you do not comply with our above request, a lawsuit will become unavoidable. In the course of this lawsuit, the whole truth about the lockdown will become the subject of a judicial hearing.
Are We Being Told the Truth About COVID 19?
Prof Sucharit Bhakdi

Asked at the end of the interview, “What’s the one thing we’re not talking about that we really should be?” Dr. Bhakdi replied: “We should be talking about why and how has our society allowed these things to happen? How and why? And we must try to get answers to those so that this will never happen again.”
WFA: Censorship – Far More Destructive to Humanity than COVID-19 Will Ever Be

Although this proposed amended law failed to be enacted, the wording is chilling: “You have a Category A, which is deadly disease, Category B is a contagious disease, and Category C is a new one, critical to the society disease. What is that? We’ve never heard about that before have we? Oh yes we actually have if you roll back 85 years to the 1930s. Then if you criticized the government you were sent to Siberia or a concentration camp or a gulag because obviously the government was never wrong. So if you said the government was wrong you were insane. What is it: ‘critical to the society’? It is something that the Ministry of Health is deciding. So one man—one man will decide. It’s like a dictator. And he will decide what constitutes a critical to the society disease and it does not have to be based on a medical point of view. It can be a totally political decision.”
Exercising Our Intelligence to See Evolutionary Costs of Techno Logic

Global financial patterns and pronouncements point to a seismic overhaul of governance and financial systems that is playing out beneath the surface of the Covid-19 pandemic, reaching far beyond the health domain. Increased centralized control has the potential to create an unbridgeable chasm between a tiny handful of winners and a majority of losers. To foster an integrated analysis of the technocratic and financial forces and agendas at play, this rapid review identifies some of the pandemic’s principal beneficiaries across the interwoven financial, tech, biopharmaceutical, and military-intelligence sectors, assessing developments in the context of the accelerating global push for technocratic consolidation and control.
Medical Informed Consent, Nuremberg, and the Covid Vaccine

Medical informed consent—“the primary paradigm for protecting the legal rights of patients and guiding the ethical practice of medicine”—is meaningless if an individual does not have the option of “determin[ing] what shall be done with his body” and declining a given medical intervention.
Dr. Peter Gøtzsche: WHO estimates that an influenza season kills about 500,000 people

Whatever it may be called, the ruse of a “pandemic” as the trigger for justifying the unconscionable consequences of locking down humanity indicates a radically aberrant agenda is being pursued in 2020 contrary to what we are told 24/7 by corporate/foundation/government media networks.
Dr Peter McCullough Senate Homeland Security Committee Testimony on COVID-19 Outpatient Treatment

[T]his is not just a government culpability and malfeasance with respect to hydroxychloroquine. This is academic malfeasance…. They were scare papers, to scare people on hydroxychloroquine. Since that time there’s been dozens of pile-on scare tactics in academics. This isn’t the government. This is people in my field, in academic medicine who are committing academic fraud. [A]cademic medicine is committing … a crime against humanity. There must be a motivation behind this that’s much bigger than just democrat versus republican. I am extremely concerned, honestly, about the the academic contribution to scare tactics in the world. Now it’s not working everywhere. In India it’s given first line and India is such a crowded country. I’ve been there myself. Their deaths per million population is a tiny fraction of America.
National Day of Mourning and the 4th Industrial Revolution

Alison McDowell: “Understanding human capital finance and understanding that it is embedded in the way in which we were so brutal to indigenous people and black people is central to understanding that now this system is gotten to the point that it’s coming after everyone and we need to both reconcile with that history and really own it and also to look to those ongoing resistance strategies to enslavement as we move forward and try to come to some resolution and be allies in that process.”
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg: Clinical Fear

The German Bundestag has now decided by a majority to continue the emergency situation of our population, which cannot be justified by an illness. The peaceful and democratic protest against coercive measures and wantonness is still important. A cross-party opposition in the Bundestag can challenge the motion by immediately filing a constitutional lawsuit for review of norms with the Federal Constitutional Court. This text contains further arguments for such an act of legal self-defense. From early October to mid-November 2020, i.e. within only 6 weeks, the proportion of alleged Covid-19 patients in German intensive care units increased 15-fold. More than half of the beds were suddenly occupied by “Covid-19” patients. However, the overall occupancy rate remained almost unchanged. But what happened to all the other patients?
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Crimes Against Humanity and the Covid-19 PCR Test

All the above mentioned cases of corruption and fraud committed by the German corporations pale in comparison in view of the extent of the damage that the Corona crisis has caused and continues to cause. This Corona crisis, according to all we know today, must be renamed a Corona scandal, and those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil law damages. On a political level, everything must be done to make sure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agendas.
Self-Anointed Global Health Czar Gates

MONEY = POWER. The transformation of William Tyler Gates III from ruthless computer tycoon monopolist into benevolent global philanthropist is a primary instance of unbridled power exercised by the one speaking to the many. The history of Bill Gates influence on media coverage of global health is revelatory in its assessment of how a person with no medical training or regulatory experience aggressively buys the kind of medical science “reporting” that furthers the goals of this proven monopolist. Big Brother Bill Gates a.k.a. Father Teresa is apparently obsessed with his psychotic mission: To Save The World With Techno Logic for the benefit of ………. Who exactly?
Historic Vaccine Debate:
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. vs Alan Dershowitz

RFK, Jr.: FDA gets 50 percent of its budget from vaccine companies, from the industry. 50 percent. The CDC has an $11.5 billion budget and 4.9 billion of that is buying and selling and distributing vaccines. CDC is a vaccine company. It owns 57 vaccine patents so it can make money on every sale of a vaccine. NIH owns hundreds of vaccine patents. NIH owns half the patent for the Moderna vaccine. There’s five individuals in NIH and the rules at NIH is if you’re a scientist or an official who worked on a vaccine, you’re allowed to collect $150,000 a year in royalties on sales that that vaccine makes. These regulatory agencies are actually vaccine companies. The vaccine marketing sales part of those agencies is the tail that is now wagging the regulatory dog.
Schools Must go “Back to Normal” in the Fall—A Scientist’s Perspective

There are thousands of scientists from around the world, including Nobel-Prize winners, doctors, virologists, immunologists, epidemiologists and molecular biologists who have spoken out against the lockdown and any forms of social distancing, with some even stating that these measures should never have been put in place for COVID-19.
USA Plan: Militarized Control of Population. The “National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan”

The Rockefeller Foundation and its financial partners will help create a network for the provision of credit guarantees and contracts with large drug manufactures and medical equipment.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interview: On Big Pharma, Fauci & Pro-Vaccine Movement

My party, the Democratic Party is the worst on this issue. It’s very odd to me that they’re mandating these vaccines that are untested. How can you mandate any medication for a human being? How can you tell somebody, We are gonna force you to take a medication that you don’t want to take? We signed a treaty, the Nuremberg Charter, after World War Two because the Nazis were doing that….
At this point, Tony Fauci has powers that no American president has ever had. He’s telling people in California: You can’t go to the beach, You can’t go in the ocean, You can’t go shop, Your kids can’t go to school, You have to stay in your house. No president’s ever had that kind of power before. But today Fauci, who’s very very close partners with Gates, are telling America and what they’re saying—if you listen carefully—what they’re saying is: You all are are gonna stay in the house until we have a vaccine. It’s not gonna be safe to come out. And that is a tremendous power to tell people they have to wait and do that until you get a vaccine.
Dr Peter Gøtzsche on Big Pharma as Organized Crime & Cochrane’s Moral Collapse

Dr Peter Gøtzsche unconditionally devotes his life to shining the stellar light of transparency onto an extremely powerful and a literal life-and-death industry that puts profit above morality, ethics, the Hippocratic Oath and all other considerations. Given the current upside world we now inhabit, it is of the utmost necessity that each of us in kind exercises our intelligence with clarity and coherence on behalf of our single, fragile, and supremely gifted human family.
Pandemic Parallax View Inaugurated

Given the unprecedented Undiscovered Country humanity is now being pulled into, Pandemic Parallax View is established to provide an archive of events unfolding from the apparent displacement of an observed object due to a change in the position of the observer.