[T]his is not just a government culpability and malfeasance with respect to hydroxychloroquine. This is academic malfeasance…. They were scare papers, to scare people on hydroxychloroquine. Since that time there’s been dozens of pile-on scare tactics in academics. This isn’t the government. This is people in my field, in academic medicine who are committing academic fraud. [A]cademic medicine is committing … a crime against humanity. There must be a motivation behind this that’s much bigger than just democrat versus republican. I am extremely concerned, honestly, about the the academic contribution to scare tactics in the world. Now it’s not working everywhere. In India it’s given first line and India is such a crowded country. I’ve been there myself. Their deaths per million population is a tiny fraction of America.
Month: November 2020
National Day of Mourning and the 4th Industrial Revolution

Alison McDowell: “Understanding human capital finance and understanding that it is embedded in the way in which we were so brutal to indigenous people and black people is central to understanding that now this system is gotten to the point that it’s coming after everyone and we need to both reconcile with that history and really own it and also to look to those ongoing resistance strategies to enslavement as we move forward and try to come to some resolution and be allies in that process.”
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg: Clinical Fear

The German Bundestag has now decided by a majority to continue the emergency situation of our population, which cannot be justified by an illness. The peaceful and democratic protest against coercive measures and wantonness is still important. A cross-party opposition in the Bundestag can challenge the motion by immediately filing a constitutional lawsuit for review of norms with the Federal Constitutional Court. This text contains further arguments for such an act of legal self-defense. From early October to mid-November 2020, i.e. within only 6 weeks, the proportion of alleged Covid-19 patients in German intensive care units increased 15-fold. More than half of the beds were suddenly occupied by “Covid-19” patients. However, the overall occupancy rate remained almost unchanged. But what happened to all the other patients?