Asked at the end of the interview, “What’s the one thing we’re not talking about that we really should be?” Dr. Bhakdi replied: “We should be talking about why and how has our society allowed these things to happen? How and why? And we must try to get answers to those so that this will never happen again.”
Month: December 2020
WFA: Censorship – Far More Destructive to Humanity than COVID-19 Will Ever Be

Although this proposed amended law failed to be enacted, the wording is chilling: “You have a Category A, which is deadly disease, Category B is a contagious disease, and Category C is a new one, critical to the society disease. What is that? We’ve never heard about that before have we? Oh yes we actually have if you roll back 85 years to the 1930s. Then if you criticized the government you were sent to Siberia or a concentration camp or a gulag because obviously the government was never wrong. So if you said the government was wrong you were insane. What is it: ‘critical to the society’? It is something that the Ministry of Health is deciding. So one man—one man will decide. It’s like a dictator. And he will decide what constitutes a critical to the society disease and it does not have to be based on a medical point of view. It can be a totally political decision.”
Exercising Our Intelligence to See Evolutionary Costs of Techno Logic

Global financial patterns and pronouncements point to a seismic overhaul of governance and financial systems that is playing out beneath the surface of the Covid-19 pandemic, reaching far beyond the health domain. Increased centralized control has the potential to create an unbridgeable chasm between a tiny handful of winners and a majority of losers. To foster an integrated analysis of the technocratic and financial forces and agendas at play, this rapid review identifies some of the pandemic’s principal beneficiaries across the interwoven financial, tech, biopharmaceutical, and military-intelligence sectors, assessing developments in the context of the accelerating global push for technocratic consolidation and control.
Medical Informed Consent, Nuremberg, and the Covid Vaccine

Medical informed consent—“the primary paradigm for protecting the legal rights of patients and guiding the ethical practice of medicine”—is meaningless if an individual does not have the option of “determin[ing] what shall be done with his body” and declining a given medical intervention.
Dr. Peter Gøtzsche: WHO estimates that an influenza season kills about 500,000 people

Whatever it may be called, the ruse of a “pandemic” as the trigger for justifying the unconscionable consequences of locking down humanity indicates a radically aberrant agenda is being pursued in 2020 contrary to what we are told 24/7 by corporate/foundation/government media networks.