As Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati has observed, “The framers of the U.S. Constitution had it right when they talked about inalienable rights, meaning the rights that were given to you by your Creator, even if you believe your creator is just your mother.” Our inalienable rights are being threatened to the point of no return. The antidote to this are the lawsuits in process, challenging official claims Covid-19 justifies locking down global society. This compilation summarizes and references well-conceived legal cases being pursued through judicial proceedings to force government disclosure that answer fundamental, critical questions.
Month: April 2021
Open Letter to Senator Brad Hoylman:
Please Challenge Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
to Debate the Merits and Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines

NY Senator Hoylman has stated Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is “A public health menace who should be banned from Twitter”. The Nuremberg Code, drafted in 1947, requires Informed Consent, without “the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion…” The Universal Declaration on BioEthics and Human Rights, negotiated, Article 6, Consent, states: “ Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information.” Surely engaging Mr. Kennedy in a public forum on the necessity and substance of informed consent will benefit all people in the United States given that what you are calling for will not only affect free and unfettered information access for residents of the State of New York.
Junious Ricardo Stanton: Your Papers Please

Global governments, technocrats and the media are colluding to use biometric and face recognition technology to track us, trace our every movement and determine where we go and what venues we can lawfully enter. Why? When has this ever been done as a treatment therapy for a pandemic? What has injection passports and tracking got to do with preventive measures for a virus that has a 98% survival rate?! This is serious food for thought.